Bread Machine

Cut the bag of bread mixCut open the bread mix carefully. Since it is powder, it is really easy to spill it all over the place. It didn't happen here, but I could tell how easy it would be to make a big mess! Make sure you insert the blade into the container before adding water or the mix. Dump the bread mix into the machineDump the bread mix into the container after the water. Make sure you get everything dumped in there so that the mix is as close as possible to the ideal mix as suggested on the box.
Dump the yeast into the bread mix next.Now, dump the yeast mix that came with your bread mix. Again, make sure you dump the whole thing into the container. bread container inserted into the machineCarefully place the bread container into the machine. For this bread machine, you will have to twist the container to get it to lock.
Set the bread machineRead the box and set the machine. Make sure the machine is plugged in at this point! Set the Baking timeSet the time according to the instructions on the box and you're ready to start baking. From here on, you just wait for the machine to beep. Once the machine is done, I'd suggest waiting for the bread to cool off for an hour before slicing it.

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